Sarah Kaczmarek

11 years deep in the staffing and recruiting rollercoaster, and the adrenaline rush of finding the perfect fit for both companies and candidates still hasn’t faded! You might say I’m perpetually on a wild ride, fueled by a pot-a-day coffee habit (don’t judge).

Before diving into work, most mornings you’ll find me at the gym at 5am glistening during a HIIT, Bodypump, or Spin class. It’s the perfect way to kickstart my day and prepare for the whirlwind that follows. Those 5am gym sessions? Not just for me, folks. They’re a public service to prevent any spontaneous combustion incidents due to the teenage energy levels in this house.

When I’m not strategizing the next big talent acquisition for a client, you’ll likely find me chauffeuring my two talented teenage daughters all over town. My husband of 23 years is outnumbered by all the amazing females in the household, including the three adorable dogs, and yes, you should feel sympathy for him.

Live country music is my jam! No matter the venue, from intimate local gigs where the next big thing might be taking the stage, to the electrifying energy of a packed stadium, I love it! The next wave of country stars on TikTok (yes, I know I’m too old for that) keeps me entertained. But don’t be fooled, I’m all-in for legendary artists too – their decades of hits still get me pumped!

So, if you’re looking for a recruiter who’s passionate, dedicated, and runs on coffee and instincts let’s chat! We can navigate the exciting world of talent together, one adventure at a time.