Lisa Waite

My role at MyStaff is a Senior Business Development Manager. I enjoy partnering with companies to find talent and working with candidates to find their next role. I love meeting new people, building relationships and watching someone’s career progress over time. I don’t think any little kid says ‘I want to be a Recruiter when I grow up” but I feel extremely fortunate that I fell into this role nearly two decades ago and never looked back. I knew I needed a job that gave me purpose and I love to see the impact we make on our clients when we find that rare gem for a hard-to-fill role or present a life changing offer to a candidate. Recruiting is truly the best job, and I am lucky enough to get to do it every day here at MyStaff!

Learn More About Me
  • I am a born and raised Omaha girl, graduated from UNO and am married to my husband, Robert.  We have 3 cairn terriers – Doc, Ringo and Rocky – that basically run the show and keep us laughing daily with their antics.  
  • I am a long-distance runner and am working on completing a marathon in all 50 states. This journey combines two of my passions – running and travel – to allow me to see as many new places as I can.   My favorite marathon was probably my first one, in Hilo, Hawaii, but every state has something different to offer and it’s a fun way to explore new places!   I also love Crossfit and happily embrace my Master’s Athlete status!
  • My husband introduced me to Cubs baseball while we were dating.  We were season ticket holders for several years and still try and catch as many games as we can.  A perfect day?  Sitting in the bleachers at Wrigley Field on a hot summer day catching an afternoon Cubs game!
  • As I mentioned, I love to travel to new places.  My favorite place on earth is probably Hawaii – we were married there and get back as often as we can – but I do love any place with mountains to climb, a beach to relax , or just something new to see!  Life’s too short to stay in once place!
  • Wine (Red), Bourbon (Neat), Coffee (Black)
  • When I am not traveling or running, you can find me at home – curled up with a good book, trying a new recipe or watching a classic movie – can’t go wrong with Carey Grant or Humphrey Bogart!