Lindsey Jones

Having been in the staffing industry for the past decade I can truly say I love what I do and look forward to making a new connection each day.

My experience is a little different from my partners as my focus has been payroll, benefits, office administration and light recruiting. Having a hybrid skill set around the office has allowed me to expand my knowledge of the industry, grow relationships and help people discover their passion along the way. All in all, my experience has been a rewarding one, and I love helping MyStaff grow!

Learn More About Me
  • If you can’t find me at the office, it’s because no one goes to the office, we primarily work from home. But sometimes I love working from Starbucks when I’m able. 
  • I am happily married, terrified and excited to be running our own business and living the “American Dream.” I can’t believe we’ve been out on our own for over seven years; it has truly been so much fun and so rewarding.
  • I am a mom to my sassy little mini, Reagan Jane. I feel so grateful that I’m able to work remote so I can spend additional time with her, watch her grow, and teach her how to file things alphabetically on days I’m feeling lazy.  KIDDING. She’s 3. But if I seem extra productive in the future, you’ll know why. 
  • I have two very elderly English Bulldogs, Cleo, and Remy. Both of whom are precious even though their breath smells like garbage, and they drool all over everything. 
  • Anything Hall & Oates is my JAM!!
  • Christmas is my favorite holiday. Everybody jokes that I start putting up my Christmas decorations in October and sadly enough, they aren’t wrong! The minute our front door closes on Halloween evening, the holidays begin! 
  • I love morning coffee, red wine, rainy days, traveling with my family, good jokes and I find that there is nothing more therapeutic than a good dateline mystery.